About Us
Indrillco Hulu Energy, Ltd. is prioritize the expansion of our oil and gas reserves and production. This involves investing in exploration and production activities to unlock Indonesia's energy potential. By increasing our production and reserves, we aim to contribute to the energy security and economic growth of the country.
We strive to implementing best practices in management and governance. We prioritize training and development programs for our employees to ensure operational efficiency, safety, and sustainability. We are committed to conducting our operations responsibly, prioritizing safety and environmental protection.
We value our stakeholders and aim to provide them with benefits. By aligning our goals we are determined to become a world-class oil and gas company in Indonesia, delivering value and contributing to the sustainable development of the nation.
Our Vision
We aspire to become a world class upstream oil and gas company in indonesia.
Provides benefits to stakeholders and employees.
Our Mission
We are determined to become one of Indonesia's top three oil and gas companies based on production and reserves. To contribute to the growth and prosperity of the country.
To have the most professional and efficient management among oil and gas companies in Indonesia.
Our Projects
JOB Pertamina - Stanvac in Seismic Survey
1988 - 1992
JOB Pertamina–Stanvac conducted a seismic survey of 1616km and drilling of four (4) wells of Uno-1, Dos-1, Rayu-1 wells that produced oil and gas, and MSSA-1 well which was a dry well. The Uno Field was discovered by exploration drilling of UNO-01 Well in 1989 by PERTAMINA targeted to the Baturaja Formation.
Drilling Four Exploration Wells
2008 - 2009
Four exploration wells were drilled by KSO Pertamina – Indrillco Hulu Energy, Ltd. IHE namely Rayu-2 (RYU-2) in 2008 targeted to the Baturaja Formation objective at depth of 1070 meters with Gas proven production result.
Discovery of Rayu Utara Field
Rayu Utara Field was discovered in early 2009. The well were encountered approximately 90 feet of hydrocarbon column (gas) within Baturaja reservoirs. One subsequent appraisal well, the RUT-2, successfully in delineated and proved of gas potential within this field.
The RUT field has a good reserve based on POD Study that has certified by LAPI ITB. Status of the Rayu Utara field is development field and started to produce gas in November 2018 with average production from two wells RUT-1 & RUT-2.
Further Exploration and Drilling
2011 - 2015
During the time of exploration KSO Pertamina – Indrillco Hulu Energy, Ltd. were conducted several seismic activity. A 2D seismic survey was conducted in 2010 with length 128km and 3D seismic survey in 2014–2015 with 68.11km². Meanwhile, in 2011–2013, all four exploration wells were drilled at the north area of UDR Block comprising on Petunang-1 (PTG-1), Petunang-1A (PTG-1A), Petunang-2 (PTG-2), Seriang-1 (SRG-1). Petunang field has been produced in 2013–2015 as an oil field from one well (PTG-1A) that has good reserve with good initial production result.
Advance Exploration Technology
Indrillco Hulu Energy, Ltd. has employed sophisticated exploration and production techniques and selected the most promising area based on study findings to attain positive outcomes from exploration activities. IHE has produced gas and condensate in the North Rayu field, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra, by providing an Early Production Facility (EPF) since 2018.
Energy Supply Solution
Energy security is becoming a global concern due to increased demand, while the reserves and supplies remain challenging. Indrillco Hulu Energy, Ltd. is proud to be part of the solution. With experienced and professional human capital, the company continues to be a reliable energy supplier for enhancing national energy security with licensed and qualified services.
Reliable Energy Producer
Indrillco Hulu Energy, Ltd. has proven partnerships with state-owned energy companies in Indonesia. The company has been entrusted to produce hydrocarbons in several complicated oil and gas fields with the sturdy support of technology and our solid human capital. Our staff and board of management are well certified and have extensive experience in ensuring the effective and finest product quality.
News & Media
Head Office
Wisma Kodel 7th Floor
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav B-4 Jakarta 12910
Yard IHE
Jalan Raya Lubuk Linggau Sekayu, Dusun Simpang Semambang, Desa Lubuk Rumbai, Kecamatan Tuah Negeri, Kabupaten Musi Rawas, South Sumatra.